Captain's Logette 20/04
20th April 2018
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of 2018, Wear Sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, Sunscreen would be it.
After the snows and winds of March, and the cancellation of sculling camp due to red boards (now just about off yellows, two weeks later) the sun has made a long-overdue appearance this week. The novice and intermediate squads have enjoyed some evening outings over the last couple of weeks in varying combinations to prepare for the start of the regatta season which kicks off at Hammersmith Regatta on 28th April. If you're not racing, head up to the Blue Anchor (or the AK bar) and support the team. Draw out early next week.
for the diary:
28/4 Hammersmith Regatta
5/5 Chiswick Regatta
12/5 Boat Naming, Borne Regatta, and BBQ (more details in next week's update)
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