Captain's Log 17/09
21st September 2017
Brief Notes
Big thanks to Edward and Henry for adding some proper beef to the meatwagon for Saturday's outings. Scott and Ian have big shoes to fill when they return to the crew.
More thanks to Varsha and Bjarne for stepping into the coxing seat this morning.
Availability by Monday night please, for weekend outing plans.
Racing poll:
Do fill this in so the captaincy has an idea of who wants to race (& when)
Thanks for the replies received so far.
Anyone who still owes money for Scamp, or outstanding race fees, please transfer to the usual place: 09-01-55, 71834000.
Boats notes
The Lambe is out of action until we fit new slide wedges. To be done between outings on Saturday under Iain G's supervision.
The Collier should not be used as a 4x until a new rigger part arrives; one cracked stay needs replacing.
The Rawkins can now be re-rigged as a 4x as the new riggers have arrived.
The Cox is away for a refurb after its altercation with Barnes Bridge.
The RG Benrath is out of action after a seat disintegrated at S'Camp . New seat will be on order shortly.
This week :
Ergs: 3 x 5km, 90s rest (UT2, even pace across all 3 pieces).
Seniors - target 66% of 2k erg watts.
Strength and conditioning
Ergs: 30' rate 20, AT
(Remember we share the shed on Wednesdays, so do please start on one end and work inwards instead of spreading out, so both us and BBLRC can erg "en bloc")
Strength and conditioning
Outings usual times
Outings usual times
Further Ahead :
Rheinmarathonrudern 7 October
Pairs Head 14 October
Cygnet Henley Lunch 28 October - see Stu/Cris emails for details
Veterans Fours Head 11 November
Fours Head 12 November
Scullers Head 2 December
Matt Byrne
Captain, Cygnet Rowing Club
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