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Cygnet Rowing Club
on the Tideway since 1890
CSSC Sports and Leisure

Cygnet Weekly Update: Monday 10th Nov 2014

10th November 2014

Evenin' All,

A brief one this week. Good to have a couple of 8s out over the weekend. Would be better to have a couple of 8s out at the same time - so do confirm availability on the spreadsheet.

This week

Tues - Squad Erg. 40min, r20, feet-out. Almost zen-like in its simplicity, and similarly good for the soul.

Thurs - Circuits. Usual time (7.15pm), usual place (Cavendish School). Don't forget a towel and some water.

Thurs is also post-training food, this week brought to you by Team Broadhurst. You'd be crazy to miss out.

Sat and Sun morning outings: 7.45am, 9.45am- crew lists to follow.

(Note the times: the radical idea is to be actually on the water by 8am/10am. Having completed changing, faffing, getting blades and launch out, and warming up - do that for only a few mornings and before you know it we've added the equivalent of a whole additional outing!).

Further Ahead

I've already mentioned Scullers Head on Sat 29th Nov. The Monday after that is also a date that ought to go into diaries...

...FREE BEER in the bar. Yes, really! For one night only though. Mon 1st Dec to be precise, as Cygnet are hosting the PLA Safety Awards (spoiler alert: we won). You may know that we won a cash prize as part of the award - and as we are also hosting, the PLA will be putting a similarly large sum behind the bar that it is our privilege/ duty to deplete. (More info: http://www.cygnet-rc.org.uk/post-safe_as___039_ouses.html)

BBLRC Christmas 'do' on Sat 13th, which is the perfect prep for...

...The 'Plum Puds' annual inter-club training piece on Sun 14th Dec (please have your availability up to date at least until then).

And looking even further ahead, to 12th Feb 2015 it's Happy Birthday To Us, with 125 candles. There'll be various events to commemorate this milestone, including a reception in the House of Lords on 17th July - all of which will be detailed on the website (http://www.cygnet-rc.org.uk/sspage-news__amp__events-social_events-cxxv.html)

That's all for now.


Author: David French


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