Cygnet Weekly Update: Monday 15th Dec 2014
15th December 2014
venin' All,
Lots of speculation and excitement this weekend around the Sports Personality of the Year award, or as we colloquially refer to it, "Barnes Bridge Ladies' Cygnet of the Year" - so congratulations to Stu, who had a bit more of a spring in his disco steps after that point on Saturday night.
Yes, it was the BBLRC Xmas Bash on Saturday night, and a grand time was had by all. Indeed, by the end, some of the partygoers had be on the go for nearly 12 hours straight, from the ruthlessly efficient Waddle (professionally administered by new Apprentice Whipman Mark W-R), to the venue for good food, good company, and energetic dancing, and afterwards onto the 'Waddle Into Darkness' back to the boathouse. Which was locked up at 4am I understand. Thank you to the BB Ladies for hosting, and for the Cygnets for managing to look halfways respectable.
There was also some rowing going on over the weekend, including some side-by-side pieces with BBLRC, and several scullers out. We hope to have one or two boats out for the Plum Puds on Sunday - see below.
This week
Tues evening Squad Erg Night. 30min r20 feet out. A classic to (almost) end the year on.
Thurs evening Circuits. Meet at 7.00pm at the club, or 7.15pm at the school. This is our last circuits of the year, and it would be good to have a good crowd to finish after a slightly disappointing turnout last week. (If you're looking for clear evidence of of the benefits of regular attendance at circuit training, may I refer you to Tom B's performance on the dancefloor on Saturday night).
Thurs evening post-circuits food. No-one on the rota this week - but the plan is to head to a local eatery within staggering distance of the boathouse afterwards.
Saturday morning outings. Remember, turn up at least 15 minutes before the boating time. Crew lists to follow
Sunday morning outings and Plum Puddings. For those who haven't done it before, the Plum Puds are a fun(ish) 'training piece' alongside other clubs. This year it's from Chiswick Pier to MAA boatclub, and kicks off at 11.15am. So can you please update your availability for this weekend - and if you put "Y" for Sunday, we'll assume you're up for the Plum Puds, unless you state otherwise. We ought to have enough for an 8+ and a mixed crew with BBLRC.
Other Stuff
Thanks to those that attended the 'Special General Meeting' on Sunday. Only agenda item was subscriptions rates, and those present approved the changes. From 1st Jan subs will be £260 for members with a CSSC membership, and £320 for non-CSSC members. It is impossible to mention our subs without also saying that we're still the cheapest club on the tideway etc. etc. Also, if you're not a Civil Servant or similar, you can become a 'linked' member by linking to a Civil Servant member, and thereby benefit from the cheaper subs - let me or Marj know if you need get linked.
Looking ahead to the new year, our first Head Race will be Quintin Head on Saturday 31st Jan. The organisers are also looking for anyone who can drive the launch to help out - let me know.
Finally, some sad news from Benrath. Many of us know and remember Fred Blasberg - indeed, several of us will have rowed the Rhine in the boat named after him. He was involved at the very beginning of the great partnership between Cygnet and Benrath, and would have very much enjoyed celebrating the half century of that relationship next year. Unfortunately that was not to be. He died aged 81 after a long illness. We will raise a glass of something suitable to him at the next opportunity.
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