Deneb Captain's Log
23rd July 2018
Good Evening Cygnets !!!
Sorry for the Delay.
First of all, Greetings everyone from the new captaincy. Thank you all who made it to the last OGM and voted for the new team, Niall Smith (Deputy), Tom Broadhurst (Vice) and myself (Captain). It is a great Honour. Huge Thanks to Matt B, and the previous team (Sam and Charlie) for the fantastic hard work. May the force be with us and keep things running smoothly.
This Week! All entries for St Neots (Sat 28th) have been accepted! Good News!
Sen 8+ ( Sam, Scott, Ian Nick, Cris, Niall, Barry, Vasil) Cox TBC
Sen4+ (Sam, Nick , Ian, Scott,) Cox TBC
Inter 4+ (Niall, Cris , Barry , Vasil) Cox TBC
Nov 4+ (Rupert , Eric, Mustafa, Ashley) Cox TBC
Outings/Training This week/Racing crews for St Neots get priority:
Tuesday /
19.00 at the club / OTW 19.15 Sen8+ ( Sam, Scott, Ian , Nick, Cris, Niall, Barry, Vasil)
19.00 Eric, Henrik, Joris , Julian, Mustafa plan tbc come down we sort onsite
Alex, Robin 1x?
Thursday: /
19.00 - 19.15 OTW
Sen 4+/4- Boat TBC (Sam, Nick, Ian, Scott)
Inter 4+/4- Boat TBC (NIall, Cris, Barry, Vasil)
Novice 4+ N. Pickford (Rupert, Eric, Mustafa, Ashley) coxed TBC
Everyone else come down we sort onsite
Thursday after Outings Loading the trailer for St Neots.
Erg of the week: If you are not racing: 4X750m rest 5min
If you are racing: 1x 750m rest 5 min 1x500m
Letter of the week A:
A for Availability ....So Pretty Please with sugar on top fill in your availability for the last Regattas of the season by Weds Eve, which are:
4th August HTV (Seniors Only)
11th 12th August PeterBorough/
18th 19th Oxford City Regatta /
Remember --> No Aviability --> No Outing ---> No Race
and this is for the moment ...more to come ...little by little....
Have a nice Monday eve and a better week
Dates for your diary:
Sat 4th August HTV
Weekend 11th-12th August Peterborough
Weekend 18th-19th Oxford City Regatta
Sat 8th September Club Day
Weekend 15th-16th Autumn Sculling Camp
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