LVII Deneb Captain's Log
4th September 2019
Dear Cygnets,
I hope everyone is doing well.
Sad news for the Cygnet Family: It is with great sadness that we report the death of Ian Stephenson (a.k.a. Geordie) who died on 30th August following a long and hard-fought battle with pancreatic cancer. Our thoughts are with his wife, Tracey and young son, George.
We celebrated Club day. Thanks to all of you who came down and made it possible (attendees, volunteers, coxes). Many thanks to Hannah for organising the races and the "pots", Rupert for sorting food and Mustafa for the drinks/cocktails. Fantastic afternoon with side by side rowing, capsize (swimming), RNLI visit and BBQ. Congratulations to the winners of the day Mustafa (1x, tough conditions for "singling"), Anna's VIII (you know who you are) and Bec for the best cake.
Please fill in the following Questionnaire ASAP to start preparing the 2019/20 season. This is mandatory. Also Please availability in
It starts to be dark earlier so please don't forget lights - see p.30 of the New TIDEWAY CODEWorks at Fulham FC- IF you row to Putney please take extra care
Meeting 19:00. Show and Row - Don't forget lights
Meeting 19:00 - OTW 19:15 Short Sharp Outing - Squad Meeting 20:15
This Weekend Outings - will follow
Have a nice Tuesday eve and a better rest of the week!
Dates for your Diary:
- 5th September: Squad meeting
- 7th September: Cygnet End of Season Dinner
- 20th - 22nd September: Sculling Camp. More to follow
- 28th September: Learn To Row starts. Please spread the word
- 26th October - Henley Lunch
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