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Cygnet Rowing Club
on the Tideway since 1890
CSSC Sports and Leisure

LXXXII Deneb Captain's Log

14th August 2020

Good Evening Cygnets,

I hope everyone is doing well, enjoying the good weather or surviving the heat wave depending on what you like.

Good Training sessions on the water these past weeks, with tethering , sculling confidence and technical sessions. Little by little we are getting into the rhythm. Good to see that 90% of the squad has been on the water. Well done. For the rest of August we are going to continue working in singles to develop individual skills. 

The next step on returning to rowing fitness is to implement some land training with Charlie Girdler-Maslen on Wednesday evenings with particular focus on mobility and stability. This S&C program is open to all Cygnet members. We will be increasing the Land Training accordingly. September we will start with 2x/2- depending on how the situation evolves.

Our Little Roadmap:
August: Single Scull developing individual skills. Returning to rowing fitness: Mobility and Stability
September: Moving into 2-/2x. Increase Land Training
Start Thinking about possible racing events - virus situation permitting

Training sessions are in https://www.fitclub.me/user/calendar/year Please update your availability to help usplan best. Should you wish to use an erg, please follow this link and read carefully the required procedure: 

COVID-19 - Very Important Update
We're currently we are finalising the Club and Exec Guidelines according to British Rowing. We are moving into Phase E from 15th August: Singles, coxed and coxless pairs and doubles, coxed and coxless fours and quads are allowed. Fours and quads are not a priority for us right now however if you wish to take any boat please check with the Captaincy.

New guidelines, changes to the booking sheet and new post-outing log.
From tomorrow (Sat 15th), we will adopt new guidelines on the number of people able to use club facilities at the same time. We will also be updating our booking systems and outing logs to reflect this change, and make both easier to use.

New guidelines

  • A maximum of 3 boats to be trestled on the boatshop hard at any one time.
  • A maximum of 6 people to be in the boatshop or on the boatshop hard at any one time.
  • In addition to the 3 boats on the boatshop hard, you may sensibly trestle boats in front of the steps / by EMA / on the beach if there is room and they are not an obstruction.
  • In total, no groups larger than 12 individuals to be boating or landing at any one time (mainly applicable for coached outings).
  • New post-outing log
  • We have a new post outing log form at: bit.ly/postout - please make sure you fill this out after every outing. You are still responsible for filling this out for your boat if you are participating in a coached outing. In crew boats, it will be the steersperson's responsibility to fill this in for their crew. Ideally, fill this out on your mobile while still at the club and fresh in your mind.
  • Please give your accurate boating and landing times, not just your rough slot times.
  • Changes to the booking sheet accessible here 

Kit window (Thanks Rupert for organising)
As per Rupert's email - The kit window is now open and accessible via the Cygnet Teamroom on the Crewroom website (login required. Contact Rupert or Cris if you missed the password on the email). The final day for ordering is Sunday 23 Aug. Size Guide here. Delivery will be via Rupert towards Early Oct.

Please be green and don't forget to recycle:

  • Glass needs to be put in the glass bins in the bar - or the outside glass bin.
  • The green bin takes paper, card, cans and plastic
  • General waste pop in a black liner or one if the blue waste bins.

And that is all for the moment. More will follow in due course.
Have a nice Friday and a better weekend.


Dates for your Diary:

  • 6th September. Clubs day (Covid Permitting, TBC)
  • 19th-20th September: Sculling Camp (Covid Permitting, TBC)
Author: Neil Pickford


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