50 years of the Bung
22nd September 2014
Since we've just spent a splendid weekend there on Sculling Camp, now would seem like a good time to point out that it was 50 years ago this year that the Bungalow was rebuilt in it's current form by club members.
The club owes a debt of gratitude to all those members who put in the work to build and maintain it over the years particularly to Ronnie Lambe who was bungalow secretary for more years than he cares to remember.
Even more so, thanks must go to Derek Bush who not only masterminded the 1964 construction but continues to maintain the Bungalow to this day. He has also recently taken on the role of bungalow secretary despite living in Kent. Now that's dedication!
But Derek can't do it all on his own and is always on the look out for members to help him around the place. So, if you think you have the DIY skills or simply some time to help keep this valuable club asset (and piece of club history) going, then please do get in-touch with Derek. I'm sure that there'll be a cup of tea and a chocolate digestive in it for you.