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Cygnet Rowing Club
on the Tideway since 1890
CSSC Sports and Leisure

British Rowing COVID-19 Advice

21st March 2020

Following the latest government advice, we have updated our advice in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19). As the advice is particularly pertinent for you as a club and/or event, we wanted to share it directly with you.

The situation continues to change frequently but we will do our best to keep you up to date. Our latest advice will always be published at: britishrowing.org/coronavirus

Best wishes

Kenny Baillie
Director of Partnerships & Communications | British Rowing

Advice for Clubs

Following today's announcement by the Government, British Rowing advises that all Affiliated Clubs should cease all club-based activity as soon as reasonably possible tonight and not reopen tomorrow until further notice. This advice will be reviewed, on an ongoing basis, in line with Government guidance.

In addition, British Rowing is now in the process of closing the National Training Centre at Caversham and transitioning our athletes to home-based training programmes.


  • How will British Rowing support clubs during this period?
    Our Club Support team is still available via the usual channels. Any clubs who require help or support during this difficult period should contact clubsupport@britishrowing.org in the first instance.
  • How can we help support our members during this time?
    We recognise our responsibility to help keep the nation and the rowing family active and healthy even in these difficult circumstances. We are working to provide content (workouts etc.) and ideas to help individuals keep fit and active away from rowing clubs and at home and to help keep a connection between your members. To start with, our Go Row Indoor newsletter will become a weekly email from next week with workouts both on and off the machine - further details of other content and initiatives will be released shortly.
  • What about the financial impact of closing our club for an unknown period?
    We are very aware that closing for this extended period could cause financial concerns for some clubs. As the situation becomes clearer, we will be working to signpost any funding or advice which could help your club. In the meantime, if this applies to your club, please contact clubsupport@britishrowing.org to let us know.