Clubs Day 2022
4th September 2022, 11:00
Hello all,
As we approach the end of summer it’s time for the annual BBL and Cygnet Clubs Day – this year with the very special addition of not one but two boat namings!
This year the event will be on Sunday 4th September. We will start off the day with some inter-club racing, followed by prize-giving, the boat namings and a BBQ on the club lawn with the bar open. Friends and family are very welcome.
The current plan for the day is as follows (final timings and racing still slightly tbc depending on how many Cygnets and BBLers are keen to take part):
11:00 Racers at boathouse for briefing
11:30 Racing – Draw 1
12:00 Captains’ race
12:30 Racing – Draw 2
13:15 Prize giving
13:30 Boat naming
14:00 Bar opens & BBQIf you’d like to come please let us know by filling out the form (sent via email) by 6.00pm on Sunday 21st Aug. Even if you aren’t going to race, please do join for the boat namings and BBQ. We will be asking for payments of £7 to cover the costs for food on the day.
It will be fantastic to see as many of you as possible (and your friends and family).
Looking forward to seeing you all thereAnna (BBLRC)