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Cygnet Rowing Club
on the Tideway since 1890
CSSC Sports and Leisure

Captain's Log 10/9/17

11th September 2017

News in brief
Lots of happy S'Campers at the bungalow this weekend, despite some biblical rain and the odd thunderbolt. Congratulations to all the scullers and swimmers.

A couple of minor awards: the Adam Peaty award goes to Mark, for getting back to the bungalow before the rescue boat could get itself organised, and the Spongebob Squarepants award goes to Barry for first swimming and then getting caught out in a thunderstorm with a couple of BBLRC chaperones. Hope you've dried out now.

Lost and Found
Anyone who left kit at the bungalow; it might be back at the club in the men's changing rooms if you're lucky.

Availability by Monday night please, for weekend outing plans. http://www.fitclub.me/club/dashboard?clubId=15

Anyone who still owes money for Scamp, or outstanding race fees, please transfer to the usual place: 09-01-55, 71834000.

Boats notes
The Lambe is out of action until we fit new slide wedges.
The Collier should not be used as a 4x until a new rigger part arrives; one cracked stay needs replacing.
The Rawkins can now be re-rigged as a 4x as the new riggers have arrived.
The Cox is away for a refurb after its altercation with Barnes Bridge.
The RG Benrath is out of action after a seat disintegrated at S'Camp

New poll here; sign up if you're interested in any of the pre-Christmas races. Not saying we're going to go to all (or any!) of them, but the captaincy needs to have an idea of how much racing the squad is interested in. The main focus is the fours heads on the weekend of 11/12 November as they're right outside our shutters.

We expect racers to be available for a couple of weekends before the races for training outings in the racing combinations, so filling in availability on Fitclub is an essential part of this winter planning.

Form: https://goo.gl/forms/wEwTysCHJUNDVu5U2

This week :

Ergs: 3 x 5km, 90s rest (UT2, even pace across all 3 pieces).
Seniors - target 66% of 2k erg watts.

Mobilisation and weights with Tim , I

Ergs: 16 x 500m in pairs
(Remember we share the shed on Wednesdays, so do please start on one end and work inwards instead of spreading out, so both us and BBLRC can erg "en bloc")

Mobilisation and weights with Tim , II
(note this is not an alternative to Tuesday, but an additional session ...)


Outings usual times

Outings usual times

Further Ahead :
Rheinmarathonrudern 7 October
Pairs Head 14 October
Cygnet Henley Lunch 28 October - see Stu/Cris emails for details
Veterans Fours Head 11 November
Fours Head 12 November
Scullers Head 2 December

Matt Byrne

Captain, Cygnet Rowing Club

Author: Neil Pickford


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