Captain's Log 27/11
29th November 2017
Four more training weeks until Christmas! Keep punching out those miles to gain the rewards in January.
This Saturday - Scullers Head. Helpers are needed for boating and de-boating; please let me know if you can help out (see separate email).
Cygnet are represented by a number of scullers on the start list:
92 - Cris
176 - Nick Rae
239 - Jez
265 - Robin
473 - Sam
482 - Charlie
485 - Guy
and to cheer on from BBLRC: 154 Sian, 165 KTB, 501 Sarah P.
Monday: 3 x 6km UT2
Wednesday: 30 min rate 20
Weekend outings:
Saturday is scullers head, the river is closed until 12.30
Sunday 7.46 and 10.00 on the water, coached by Kirsty.
Availabilities to by Wednesday night please.
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