Captain's update 8th September
8th September 2024
And we are back!
Great commitment from all those who did the start of the season 2K yesterday. I was really impressed by a number of the scores, and also by the desire by all to push themselves. This start of the season test is critical to provide a good benchmark for the season ahead, so well done all! For those who couldn't come down - you will have another chance either on Wednesday or for the second session next Saturday – no hiding!
We had a really good squad meeting yesterday - which I've summarised and circulated by email. Any questions, please let me know.
Training times. The times for training until Christmas are now confirmed as follows:
Monday 7pm - Coached weights and HIIT sessions with Wes
Wednesday 7pm - Squad ergs
Saturday 0800 Long row (uncoached)
Saturday 1000 - Cross training (erg/run/cycle/HIIT)
Sunday 0800 and 1000- Coached sessions with Wes
The Sunday sessions will be key for progressing technically. I found this morning's training hugely beneficial as I try to remember how to single scull. They will be two relatively short sessions with a strong technical focus - with West alongside in the launch. I'm even going to break the habit of a lifetime and try weights as my new season's resolution - so please come down on Monday if you want to see me almost certainly fail at squats....
S'camp is taking place 27–29 September, please do sign-up if you are free. It is a great chance to get people in smaller boats, and to escape the Tideway for a weekend. Tom C is the man if you have any questions, but sign ups are here.
Races. The races for this year are both in the attached doc and also on FitClub. Please do sign up as early as possible so that we can organise crews with as much prep as possible.
Finally, we had a great End of Season Dinner last week, so huge thanks to Charles for doing such a great job organising! And a belated well done to all who showed up to training the next morning!
Thanks team - let's go!
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