LIII Deneb Captain's Log
6th August 2019
Dear Cygnets,
I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Let's keep up the good work for the next 2 weeks, last push 😉. This weekend Peterborough, where we are going with a 4+ and a 1x.
Next one Oxford, if you want to race please let me know ASAP and please, please update your availability (training sessions /weekend/racing) , so we can organise best.
Next Learn to Row - Starts 28th of September - Spread the word.
Safety: (gently reminder)
- NO Swimming in the Thames
- Works at Fulham FC - IF you row to Putney please take extra care
- Don't forget the new TIDEWAY CODE which PLA launched In June. Steerers, Coxes, please take a good look.
Thursday Social: As per Rupert's email, this Thursday Pub, after outing, training, loading the trailer.
Training This Week!
Ergs 1: 4'3'2'1' x 3 (R20-26) 5 min rest
Erg 2: 4x4' including starts race pace
Meeting 18:45-OTW 19:15 ( we might need to rig some boats)
Meeting 19:00 - OTW 19:15
Outings for the Weekend will follow -
Have a nice Tuesday and a better rest of the week!
Dates for your Diary:
- 10th August: Peterborough
- 17th - 18th August: City of Oxford
- 31st August: Clubs day
- 7th September: Cygnet End of Season Dinner
- 28th September: Learn To Row starts. Please spread the word
- 26th October - Henley Lunch
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