LXXIV Deneb Captain's Log
18th February 2020
Dear Cygnets,
I hope everyone is doing well.
Cygnet 130th Birthday:
Last week, 12th of February we celebrated our 130th Birthday - Happy Birthday to us !! Thank you all of you who made it to Ye White Hart to have a few pints to celebrate it. They still have one of our oars on the wall. Big Thanks to Rupert for organising. Nice to see different generations of Cygnets celebrating together.
Boat House:
As the most of you may know the boat house has been broken into, the boat house executive is working to improve the safety and repair the damages ( Thank you Tom, Jo and all of you who are involved , sorry if I am forgetting someone), there are also a few things that every one of us can do please see list below:
- Challenge people you don't recognise who are paying attention to the outside of the club, or inside the club
- Avoid leaving valuables in clubs, if a venue is known to have easy pickings it will likely be repeatedly targeted.
- Keep ladders and tools stored away; don't leave them outside where they could be used to break into your club.
- If leaving bay doors open ensure that other internal parts of the club are not accessible by closing and locking internal doors.
Rowing Safety:
Please be careful out there take a look good out - it is ebb red flag (Check our Webpage) and if it changes will be yellow. Please don't underestimate the river and the weather conditions. If you are not sure if you should go out, probably you shouldn't.
Racing and Training:
Unfortunately Hammersmith Head was cancelled due to the storm. Finger crossed for the next events. We had very good training sessions these last past weeks despite the bad weather conditions. When we couldn't be on the water good turn out to the ergs. Good platform leading to Head of the River. Let's keep up the good work. Please update your availability ASAP for Training and Races https://www.fitclub.me/user/attendance , so we can plan best. (Gentle reminder cut off day for outings on the weekends is Tuesday)
Don't Forget this Sunday 23rd 12:00 pm Annual General Meeting to elect the management committee, please be there.
This week Training:
Erg 1: 3 x 10' @ R20, 5' rest, approx. 5k + 2s
Weights Core, focus on technique.
Erg 2:30' @20
Record scores
Outings/Training sessions this weekend will follow:
Have a nice Tuesday evening and a better rest of the week
Dates for your Diary:
- 23rd February 12:00: CYG AGM
- 23rd February 13:00: Boathouse Exec Meeting
- 7th March: WeHoRR (Please come down and give a hand if you can)
- 21st March: HoRR (Please update your availability)
- 22nd March: Vets Head (Please update your availability )
- 3-5thApril Training Camp - (Please update your availability)
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